*ALWAYS get signs on bag and out of batters box, rewind finger motion to get again

Bunt - Belt. Bunt right side if left hand to belt \ Bunt to left side if right hand to belt
Fake Bunt - Belt usually swiping 2 hands then 2 hands on HIPS
"Butcher Boy" show bunt, pull back then swing Belt then Slash Throat BUTCH audible
Take is Crossed Arms
If I say "3-0 BE SMART" that means you have green light
Steal is touching any Skin 
Wiping motion front legs ERASES ALL SIGNS 
Hit and Run -- Bump fists vertically
Hit behind Runner -- Hand gesture 'O' for opposite field (RH batter) Lefty pulls
Hang 10 signal - Be aggressive, make something happen
Pulling string is Delay Steal (make sure ball is not hit then go, or go if hit on ground and all general base running rules apply).

Any Color --- Corners In 1st and 3rd situations chance at plate
Any State -- 3B charging hard for bunt, 1b stays back
Any Animal -- example Tiger, Shark, Bear, Wolf, -- pickoff at 2B or 3B - DAYLIGHT PLAY. Has to be there, not automatic. Catcher can drop glove to start pitcher's turn to 2B

A normal depth
B Back 3 steps
C Closer, come in 3 steps

HOLDING RUNNERS Position Players
33 is 3+3
Normal or Regular audible is hold runner on normally

Pickoff at 1B - Pistol hand gesture or Clinched Fist
Brush back facemask hand gesture and signal (catcher tap chest then to mask)
1 Fastball
2 Curve\Silder
3 Change
4 Pitch out

Coach to Catcher
Nose FB
Nose ear curve
Nose ear ear changeup

Hand signals are with finger digits, giving placement 1-2-3   4-5-6  
(1 is low inside, 2 middle low, 3 low away)
(4 high inside, 5 high  middle, 6 high away)
Climb ladder signal waving hands to go higher same zone next pitch
Hang 10 signal, be aggressive, reach back on one (pinky thumb)

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